Service Name: DevicesFlowUserSvc_(randomnumber)
Display Name: DevicesFlow_(randomnumber)
If this service is disabled or deleted, you will not be able to open and manage in (Settings > Devices) and most of those settings, it will just not open and shut off.
And as a result if you can’t manage or allow some devices to use bluetooth, printer, mouse, camera and other things related to different devices, those apps which need them might just not work.
If you want to be able to manage those settings, our advice is to keep this service enabled, with Startup Type set to Manual is enough.
P.s. most interesting is that this service and others with a random number are not the original services, but a copy of it and those others with similar random number, not sure yet why Microsoft did this but some people suspect it was done for spying a user in their PC, you can find in Regedit their original services, I hope one day to use the original services not the cloned ones which are run by some unknown organization.
Allows ConnectUX and PC Settings to Connect and Pair with WiFi displays and Bluetooth devices.